Tuesday 28 April 2015

Types Of Stem Cells

There are several types stem cells found having there own characteristics.Out of which the details of few are mentioned below :

Embryonic Stem Cells
The embryonic  are the cells which are found inside the blastocyst stage of embryo and are are being harvested  from the the inner cells mass of blastocyst.

These cells can give rise to any kind of cell present inside the human body.(220 different types of cells are present inside human body )

Process of harvesting and differentiating the embryonic stem cells 
Reference : http://www.blurrent.com/article/11-unbelievable-signs-your-cat-is-embryonic-stem-cells-

There are certain ethical issues involves as it is considered that by harvesting the embronic stem cells which involves the destruction of the embryo ,we are killing a possible human life though these cells are having great therapeutic potential by the help of which one can save the life of dying human.

Adult Stem Cells
Adult stem cells are the cells which are found in all the individuals (Infant,children & adults) and are being harvested from already developed t in specific tissue ,

These cells can give rise to specialised cell present inside specific tissue or organ of the human body such as heart, brain , kidney , liver etc.

These stem cells basically supports :
  • Circulatory system
  • Nervous system
  • Respiratory System
  • Digestive system
  • Skeletal system
  • Muscular System

Process of harvesting and extracting adult stem cells
Reference :http://liveaction.org/blog/stem-cell-research-the-basics-types-of-research-medical-status-and-ethical-drawbacks

Nowadays , adult stem cells are the cells which are being used for the treatment of various kinds of diseases and mostly being used in case of bone marrow transplantation .And future possibilities for the treatment of several life threatening diseases is based these cells only.

Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (IPSC's)
Induced pluripotent stem cells are adult, differentiated cells that hev been experimentally "reprogrammed" into a stem cell like state.

These cells can be made from readily available cells including fat, skin, and fibroblasts (cells that produce connective tissue).

Process of creating IPSC'S
Reference : http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/stemcells/quickref/

 The "reprogramming" process introduces genetic modifications, the safety of using iPS cells in patients is uncertain.

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